Writing Samples, Motion, Power Point & After Effects
Here are a just a few of my blog writing samples from my days in Real Estate (Dawg's Blog).
Over the years I've done newsletters, Station image books, commercials (lot's and lot's of them!) and plenty of news reporting/updates . These are a small sample of that work.
Keep in mind that I wrote the Newscast and all of the commercial content on my Audio Page.
I have added a couple Motion projects, After Effects CC and a Power Point Presentation at the bottom of the page for your review. Enjoy.
Over the years I've done newsletters, Station image books, commercials (lot's and lot's of them!) and plenty of news reporting/updates . These are a small sample of that work.
Keep in mind that I wrote the Newscast and all of the commercial content on my Audio Page.
I have added a couple Motion projects, After Effects CC and a Power Point Presentation at the bottom of the page for your review. Enjoy.
Dawg's Blogs
There's a Toilet Paper Shortage......
...Naw...not really ...but it goes to show the power of the media in our daily lives. See...the "Dawg" comes from the world of radio in my BRE (Before Real Estate) life. Say I went on the air and said in my best Wolfman Jack impersonation, "Stock up Boys and Girls,...Ahooooooo! ...There is gonna be a toilet paper shortage in our fair city toooooonight! Ahroooooooooooooooooo!"
Well by night fall you Bob, Barb and Cindy have trampled Mr. Whipple in the process of buying up every last roll of Charmin on the store shelves. Yup...there is now a shortage.....on the store shelves that is...you all have enough toilet paper...and the only ones hurting are the ones who didn't believe the ol' Dawg. I speak the truth...
Substitute "Gas" for "Toilet Paper" and you have the 1970's Gas Crisis.....Substitute "Housing Market"(or "Financial Market" ) for "Gas' and...well you got the idea...people create their own panic.
Who's got the plan to turn this thing around? hmmmm? Looks like we are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils....vote carefully
Where does stupidity end and common sense take over?...
So... as we last talked, I was waiting patiently to hear from the Making Home Affordable program people.....oh boy.....so I finally get a letter after waiting now for several months...(to recap...I'm fine...making my payments...but like most Americans...a bit tight on budget...so I was seeing what our tax dollars at work could do for me....) I get the notification....I'm 'ineligible due to a "Negative Income" Ok...two things here....1) As a self employed individual my 'write-offs' are a bit different than Joe American who works for someone and receives a W2...so as those of you self employed individuals know, a "negative income" is not that hard to show.....2) I found out that since my wife is not on my mortgage, they didn't count her income. (Dawg gets out a BIG RED FLAG for the mortgage professionals (loosely used term here) at my lender.. So I call the 800 number and patiently wait on hold for several minutes and give out the same information 3 or 4 times when a young lady gets on the line and says, "Loan number please...." (hey...I already gave that information to your automated attendant ' like 3 or 4 times...) As I go through the story with her..."I'm making my payments, ...It's not really a negative income...I have near perfect credit (Gold Star on Dawg's Fridge)...The program was designed for people like me (or so I thought...)...and finally," Why didn't you count my wife’s income as part of my 'Household Income" since we do use her money to pay bills too?"..
The young lady says "Well it should be counted" (DING-DING-DING) (for a brief second I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel)...You'll have to reapply and make sure you include all of your wife’s income data....." (light at end of tunnel is proverbial Freight Train...choo-chooo.......)
ARRRRGGHHHHH! I tell her I've already included it if she'll just look at the packet...
...she goes on..."Let me just remind you that all data obtained can be used in debt collection ..." (HUH? what is she talking about...) ..."And the foreclosure proceedings will continue..(WHAT? I'm not in foreclosure...not even close) I try to break in..."I'm not in Fore..." She continues on...obviously reading from a script and not caring about me or any other callers she'll talk to today....thank you for calling National **** ******* (name with held to protect the thinking challenged)..
A second call back gets a new young lady (after the automated attendant takes all my info for the 7 or 8th time that day...) and as I tell her my saga... at least she gets it...but she says my previously submitted data has been filed and yes, I will have to reapply' <sigh> ....Stay tuned....
Time for our monthly realty reality check ...
There's a Toilet Paper Shortage......
...Naw...not really ...but it goes to show the power of the media in our daily lives. See...the "Dawg" comes from the world of radio in my BRE (Before Real Estate) life. Say I went on the air and said in my best Wolfman Jack impersonation, "Stock up Boys and Girls,...Ahooooooo! ...There is gonna be a toilet paper shortage in our fair city toooooonight! Ahroooooooooooooooooo!"
Well by night fall you Bob, Barb and Cindy have trampled Mr. Whipple in the process of buying up every last roll of Charmin on the store shelves. Yup...there is now a shortage.....on the store shelves that is...you all have enough toilet paper...and the only ones hurting are the ones who didn't believe the ol' Dawg. I speak the truth...
Substitute "Gas" for "Toilet Paper" and you have the 1970's Gas Crisis.....Substitute "Housing Market"(or "Financial Market" ) for "Gas' and...well you got the idea...people create their own panic.
Who's got the plan to turn this thing around? hmmmm? Looks like we are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils....vote carefully
Where does stupidity end and common sense take over?...
So... as we last talked, I was waiting patiently to hear from the Making Home Affordable program people.....oh boy.....so I finally get a letter after waiting now for several months...(to recap...I'm fine...making my payments...but like most Americans...a bit tight on budget...so I was seeing what our tax dollars at work could do for me....) I get the notification....I'm 'ineligible due to a "Negative Income" Ok...two things here....1) As a self employed individual my 'write-offs' are a bit different than Joe American who works for someone and receives a W2...so as those of you self employed individuals know, a "negative income" is not that hard to show.....2) I found out that since my wife is not on my mortgage, they didn't count her income. (Dawg gets out a BIG RED FLAG for the mortgage professionals (loosely used term here) at my lender.. So I call the 800 number and patiently wait on hold for several minutes and give out the same information 3 or 4 times when a young lady gets on the line and says, "Loan number please...." (hey...I already gave that information to your automated attendant ' like 3 or 4 times...) As I go through the story with her..."I'm making my payments, ...It's not really a negative income...I have near perfect credit (Gold Star on Dawg's Fridge)...The program was designed for people like me (or so I thought...)...and finally," Why didn't you count my wife’s income as part of my 'Household Income" since we do use her money to pay bills too?"..
The young lady says "Well it should be counted" (DING-DING-DING) (for a brief second I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel)...You'll have to reapply and make sure you include all of your wife’s income data....." (light at end of tunnel is proverbial Freight Train...choo-chooo.......)
ARRRRGGHHHHH! I tell her I've already included it if she'll just look at the packet...
...she goes on..."Let me just remind you that all data obtained can be used in debt collection ..." (HUH? what is she talking about...) ..."And the foreclosure proceedings will continue..(WHAT? I'm not in foreclosure...not even close) I try to break in..."I'm not in Fore..." She continues on...obviously reading from a script and not caring about me or any other callers she'll talk to today....thank you for calling National **** ******* (name with held to protect the thinking challenged)..
A second call back gets a new young lady (after the automated attendant takes all my info for the 7 or 8th time that day...) and as I tell her my saga... at least she gets it...but she says my previously submitted data has been filed and yes, I will have to reapply' <sigh> ....Stay tuned....
Time for our monthly realty reality check ...
Motion Samples
Ruff Cut AV Motion Slate
An open ID slate I made for myself. I do not profess to be a Motion expert by any means, however, I have been able to make several projects on Motion and have been able to get a very good understanding of the program. I'd say I'm above a beginner...but not quite totally 'proficient'..always looking to learn as needed. Audio music bed and effects edited and mixed in via Final Cut Pro X and tweaked on Final Cut Pro X. |
Charlie 2.5
This is a '2.5' Dimension photograph put together using Photoshop, Motion 4 and Final Cut Pro X. Layers and depth give the effect similar to a Ken Burns effect...but with more movement depth... This particular shot is of my dog 'Charlie'. Music bed edited and mixed in Final Cut Pro X |
Power Point Presentation
This is a Power Point Presentation I made as a 'Who I am " Project. The presentation will download upon Clicking. Opens in Power Point.

smr_pp_presentation_x.pptx | |
File Size: | 5461 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
After Effects (Cs6 and CC)
Building Hit Ae Project 1080p
After Effects CC I'm 'ok' on Ae....I just never get the opportunity to use it. (Long story involves switching Apple OS ....and 'poof' there goes my Ae...) When I do have the opportunity I like learning useful projects such as this one using 3D FX and multiple layers to create a realistic looking chunk taken out of a building. Foley and Titles done in FCP X. |